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Cultural Opportunities (Entitlement)

The school council has been working with their classes on what the school offers as 'cultural opportunities'.

This was quite a difficult idea to understand at first, so we came up with an explanation for all councillors to use with their classes:

  • Opportunities to learn through activities which are different to normal classroom/school learning sessions, e.g. trips.
  • Opportunities to take part in activities which develop children’s skills, talents and what is important to them, such as Swavesey’s Got Talent. 
  • Opportunities to learn about other people’s traditions, religions and what is special to them. 
  • Opportunities which help us grow and develop in all ways beyond ‘classroom learning’, such as playtimes.

We talked to our classes and came up with lists of what we think the school offers us already and a list of what we would like in the future.  This is part of the work the whole school is doing to think about how we can learn and develop in more ways.

Here are just some of our ideas:

Things we do

Things we would like to do

Sports Day

RE week

Science week

Number Day

Santa Visit

Christmas Lunch

Special visitors to talk to us


Year 6 residential

Golden Mile

Swavesey’s Got Talent

Gardening club

Helping with the chickens

World Book Day quiz

School Council


Dress Up Days

SVC exchange student activity afternoon

Have a school mascot

Bench ball club

Food from around the world day

Cooking club

Choir/Singing club (go back to having one)

Camping night

School Dog

Sponsored walk

Children being able to teach children

Earth Day

Assembly singing to include more modern songs

More special days


The school adults, governors and parents/carers will all be able to come up with their ideas too, to help create our list of opportunities for children to experience during their time at our school.