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Anti-bullying week 2024


Article 39 : I have a right to help if I have been hurt or badly treated

Article 34: Nobody should touch me in ways that make me feel uncomfortable, unsafe or sad.

Article 3: Adults must do what is best for me.

Bullying is when you hurt people or say rude things over and over again.

People should not be bullies and RESPECT everyone equally.

In school, we have been learning that we should always respect each other, no matter what.

Here is an acrostic poem we wrote:

                             Remember to listen to others.

                             Everyone's ideas and opinions matter.

                            Show support to each other.

                            Play fair.

                            Equality and equity is great.

                           Cool off if you have an argument.

                           The main message is to be kind.

For children in need, we dressed up in yellow or spotty things. People donated money and we raised a whopping £350.66

Thank you for helping raise money for lots of charities.

The Right Respecting Committee