Eco Committee Litter Pick March 2024
On Saturday 16th March a small group of children from the Eco Committee joined a community litter pick in the village.
Swavesey Litter Pickers invited the Eco Committe to take part on their Community litter pick. This was part of Great British spring clean and involved members of the community litter picking throughout the village.
6 children from the Eco Committee attended the event. We focused on the area around the playground on the green. We were so surprised at how much litter we found. There was a lot of sweet wrappers, cans and plastic bottles. We managed to collect 2 half full bin bags in just 1 hour. You can see a photograph below of all of the litter collected by the whole group.
We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Stoker for inviting us to the event and for organising it. We are looking forward to getting involved again in the future.
We would also like to give a big thank you to Whiffin family who have donated 16 litter pickers to school. We can't wait to put them to good use and help clean up our school grounds. Thank you for your generosity.