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Year 5 / 6 QUAD KIDS Athletics competition

Quality effort at Quad Kids event.

On the afternoon of Thursday 6th June, 18 Year 5s and 2 Year 6s travelled to Wilberforce Road Athletics Ground for the fantastic Quad Kids competition.

There were 15 teams of 10 (5 boys / 5 girls) in the competition and athletes all took part in a 600m run, 75m sprint, Vortex howler throw and a two-footed standing jump into a sandpit.

What an amazing effort from every team member, particularly as the Year 5s were competing mainly against Year 6 athletes in most cases.

All the children were excited to participate and although the challenges were tough at times, nobody gave up and everyone remained determined and resilient.

 Every second, every centimetre, counted towards the final team totals. ‘Swavesey A’ came 10th, and ‘Swavesey B’ came in 15th place.

Well done to you all and thank you to the parents / carers for coming along to support.

Mrs Turian