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Lots of fun, laughter and team work from the three teams.

On Thursday 3rd October, 12 Year 3s and 4s headed to Comberton VC, for the first SCSSP event of the school year. Thankfully, after all the recent rain, the weather was perfect for the activities to remain outside. 

The teams took part in various events; battleships, scavenger hunt, clue finding and more! For some of the children, it was the first time representing the school, and they were all fabulous, according to Mrs Kent and Miss Bennett, who accompanied them. They had to be resilient at times, but also show responsibility, supporting their teammates and listening to others. 

This is what the children thought:

Charlie: I am happy that I came 2nd in one event. I can run very fast too. I liked the event where you had a ball in a piece of gutter and had to move along with it. 

Ewan: I got tired as I did a lot of running, but I loved it and would go again. I enjoyed the sports a lot more than I thought I would. I liked doing sport for the whole afternoon. 

Natasha: I am good at finding things that are hidden. I didn't like jumping into the hoops though. 

Jack: There was a lot of encouragement. I really do like sports. The running was a bit tiring though!

Kelsea: I learnt I can run really fast if i need to! I liked the game where you had to jump into hops to get to the other side.

Ruby: I feel good about myself because I was quite good at it all. There were a lot of things to do. 

Esme: I liked the scavenger hunt best. I enjoyed getting beanbags into the hula-hoop too. I'm also good at finding clues.

Annabelle: I liked trying to keep the ball in the drainpipe with my team. I learnt that I could remember things quite well too. I was also faster at running than I thought I could be!

Frankie: I liked the clue finding best and enjoyed everything. I felt good when I was quick at rolling the ball down the gutter. It was quite easy to follow new rules because O listened. 

Urwa , Kashi and Karthi : We really enjoyed everything!

Everyone told me they'd love to go again and would recommend it to others, which is fantastic!

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Mrs Turian