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Swavesey teams enjoy New Age Kurling 2025

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of 8 very excited Year 5 / 6 children travelled to Bassingbourn VC to take part in the SCSSP ‘New Age Kurling’ Festival.

During the afternoon, they took part in teams of 4, enjoying a range of new Kurling activities; skittles, moving stones, gates, and Team Kurling.

They all worked really well together as a team and were supported by Sports Leaders. There was a lot of fun had by all. All the children will be presented with a certificate at the ‘Sport Celebration’ assembly next Thursday.

Here are some comments from the children who took part:

Jasmine: I liked it when you had to knock down the cups. The Sports Leaders were very kind. I learnt that I could push the stones quite fast! I liked all of it.

Oli: I most enjoyed the competitive aspect of the competition. The Sports Leaders were very encouraging to me. I learnt that I am quite good at Kurling!

William: The thing I enjoyed the most was playing with my friends. It made me feel good, working as a team. I learnt that I had to aim at the target well.

Stanley: I enjoyed all the activities. My friends were supportive and encouraging. I learnt that I am good at removing the other teams’ Kurling stones from the target mat!

Jack: I enjoyed playing with my friends. I liked everything about the afternoon. I felt good when I got my Kurling stones on the bullseye and scored lots of points! I learnt that I am more accurate than I thought.

Florence: I liked the game where you had to knock over cones and score points. I knocked over the one with the most points and got a really high score for my team! What I learnt was that it isn’t always about winning or being competitive, it's actually about enjoying being there, and I did.

Daniel and Dylan: We really enjoyed it. The activities were good fun too.

Thank you to Miss McAuley and Mrs Durant for accompanying the teams.

Additional photos may be viewed in the photo gallery by clicking here.

Mrs Turian 😊