Week beginning 22nd February 2021
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 WEEKLY TIMETABLEpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 Barnaby Spelling LSCWCpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 Paddington spelling LSCWCpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 Rupert Spelling LSCWCpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Mon - Grammar - Be The Teacherpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Mon - Grammar - Spot the Missing Speech Markspdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Mon Reading Book_of_Hopespptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.1.21 Mon There's A Hero Inside All of Us Todaypptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Mon multiplication 1pptx
- y3 Tue French - crowns and shapesdocx
- y4 Tue French - crowns and shapesdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Tue - Handwritingdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.1.21 Tue Reading Beastly Bestiespptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Tues -Division 1pptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Tues - Design sheetdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 WEDS Fantasy storiespptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed - Eng - Generating Ideasdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed fantasy-story-writing-checklistpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed -Division 2pptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed - Science - What is a Forceppt
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed - Science Label the forcesdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Wed Science Contact and Non Contact Forcesdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.1.21 Wed - New Classmatespptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 Thurs Division 3docx
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 Thurs Division 3pptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Thu Division 3pptx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Thu - Comparing Fantasy Storiesdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.02.21 FRI MATHS counting in halves or quartersdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 xTables Testdocx
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Y3 multiple generatorpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Y3 Product generatorpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Y4 Multiple generatorpdf
- Y3.4 WB 22.2.21 Y4 Product generatorpdf