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Fees & Funding

We are open 5 days a week, Term time Monday to Friday, within the school day for PreSchool

Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am and Afterschool Club runs until 6pm

Annual Registration fee for Breakfast club and Afterschool club only is £15 per family

Our terms can be found attached below in the Fees and Payment document

Breakfast club:

(Available to 3 & 4 Year olds and primary school age children) 

£6.00 per session

Afterschool club:

(Available to primary school age children)

£12 per session

(£11 per child family rate)

Early Years setting for 3 & 4 year olds:

9 am - 12 pm @ £16.50 per session

12 pm - 3 pm @ £16.50 per session

Early Years setting for 2 Year olds: 9am - 12pm @ £24.00 per session

The Early Years and Playwork Centre's fees are set by the Swavesey Primary school Governors and reviewed annually.  Please note that invoices will be sent out at the beginning of each month for sessions booked for that month, and we would appreciate prompt payment (on Receipt of Invoice). 

We are registered to receive the government's Early Years Funding.  Your child is eligible for this funding from the term after they have turned 3 years old.  The funding will pay for up to five 3-hour sessions per week.  You can share the funding with any facility, providing that you do not apply for more than 15 hours a week. We also accept the Government extended 15 hours.

We accept children from the age of 2 and a half, and we are also registered for Targeted 2's and working parents funding

We give regard to families in exceptional circumstances and may be able to assist.  Please speak in confidence to the Administrator or EY and P Manager if you would like further information.