From Cavemen to Celts!
From Cavemen to Celts - Years 3 and 4 Production. Click here to see photos of the production.
Years 3 and 4 were fantastic during their ‘Cavemen to Celts’ production. The children enjoyed being in the limelight; they looked amazing in their costumes, spoke clearly, acted out their roles well and sang their hearts out. What a brilliant production! Well done everyone!
We would like to thank Mr Pickering, one of our parents, for filming and editing the show so that we can enjoy watching it from the comfort of our own homes.
‘’I found the production fun, but it was a bit scary saying my lines in front of everybody.’’ Alice
‘’I enjoyed dressing up as a cave girl and back combed my hair to make it look frizzy as if I hadn’t brushed it at all.’’ Ayla
‘’I thought I might forget my lines, but I surprised myself remembering them. I still remember them now.’’ Seth
‘’At first I thought I was going to mess up my lines but in the end, I remembered them and thought it was perfect.’’ Archie
‘’I enjoyed using my prop as a bear head as I felt more in character.’’ Freya
‘’Even though I was a bit scared of going on the stage, it was OK, and I spoke clearly with a big voice.’’ David
‘’Once I was on stage I wasn’t scared and enjoyed saying my lines and singing.’’ Grace
‘’ I really enjoyed singing The Flintstones in the grand finale because it sounded loud and cheerful singing together.’’ Everlyn
‘’ I will definitely remember this moment for the rest of my life.’’ Bertie C
‘’I can’t wait to watch the play back!’’ Annie