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Year 5 BIKE-ABILITY training

On Monday 3rd June, most of the Year 5s spent Bike-ability assessment sessions on the playground, before venturing onto the roads of Swavesey. The weather wasn’t too bad for cycling. The children were extremely well-behaved and listened well to information from instructors, to stay safe and improve their cycling skills.

All the children who took part received a certificate and badge, as there was no failure in bike-ability, just additional feedback on the certificate from the instructors, for those children who may need extra practice and support from parents / carers initially.

The instructors all commented that the children were extremely well-behaved throughout the four days and would hopefully enjoy the start of their cycling journey ahead of them.

'I really enjoyed learning how to do lots of different types of turns and doing signals. It was really fun on the Tuesday - Thursday when we went on the road and did turning from a major road to a minor road or a main road to a side road. My favourite part was when we did U-Turns it was great! I loved how we did something different and went a little bit further from school each day. Overall I would love to go again and I would recommend it!' Tilly

 'I loved everything in Bikeability and my favourite thing about it was probably doing U-turns because I found  them challenging, but at the end I did not find it as tricky as I did before. I also struggled with signalling, but I did get the hang of it at the end. Niki and Lucio really helped me understand how to ride a bike in a safer way.' Everlyn

 'This was a great experience I really enjoyed every minute of it , the instructors were very friendly and helpful and at the end you are rewarded with a badge and a certificate. If you pass then you get to be independent and get to go on the road however always wear a helmet.' Skylar

 'I enjoyed Bikeability because I learned how to ride a bike and put a helmet on. Our instructors Nikki  and Lucio, were really kind. Nicky was really funny, we all laughed. The thing I most enjoyed was probably doing the right  turns and left turns. Although, righthand signalling  was the hardest, I improved, but I think I still have to work on that. We all got a certificate!' Annamaria

Mrs Turian