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Year 5 BMX workshop

Brave BMX cycling leads to tricks galore!

As if cycling around Swavesey wasn’t tiring enough, on Tuesday 4th June, Mike Mullen, a previous ‘Half-pipe’ WORLD CHAMPION BMX rider, returned once again, for a BMX workshop.

 The Year 5s thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. There were some seriously resilient riders on the playground, jumping the ramps, putting feet on handle-bars, standing on seats and lots more! All this was done, of course, with advice and guidance from Mike throughout. He was extremely impressed by everyone!

Mike was also very clear to inform the children that what they were learning with him was NOT for road use, and to follow the bike-ability training, to keep safe when they ride on roads.

Mike selected a small group of children to show off their new daring skills, in front of the rest of the school, later in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the rain came down, and the whole school display had to be cancelled.

As compensation, Mike taught the selected riders a few extra tricks that were safe to do even in the drizzle! Everyone had a great day, despite the weather.

 Don’t worry Year 4s, I’ve already booked Mike for next year, when you’re in Year 5!

'The guy was really nice and it was so much fun. I got picked for the show but it had to be cancelled because of the rain. Even though the show was cancelled I still learnt lots of fun skills my favourite being the titanic and standing up on the bikes frame.' Alice

Mrs Turian