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Remote Learning

Please use this page to support you with general remote learning resources. Throughout the term this page will be edited and updated according to current learning in school. 

Please see the weekly tabs for specific remote learning

Year 5/6 Remote learning 




Pobble 365 A different picture for every day! 

Year 5/6 Spelling list

Keep a diary whilst you are at home. It could be realistic or it could be what you wish you were doing! Find below the success criteria for a diary and a reminder of the Greater Depth success criteria if that would be helpful. 


Times table challenge 

Times table challenge with extra columns 

Use the above links and up-level your timetable practice by making your numbers 10/100/1000x bigger or smaller.  

Eg) rather than 7 x 9, it could be 70 x 90, 700 x 90, 7,000 x 900 0.7 x 9 etc. 

Write your own 10410 and work out the answers as well. Create questions which will challenge you! See here for an example 10410s 

Moving on up activities below. 


Our topic is earth and space. 

 Using BBC bitesize to research, create a powerpoint of your choice on something you have discovered.


Pick activities from your homework tasks and share a photo on Purple Mash