Week beginning 18th January 2021
- Y3.4 wk 18.1.21 WEEKLY TIMETABLE of activities.docxpdf
- Y3.4 WEEKLY MATHS activities WB 18.1.21pdf
- Swavesey's Superstorepdf
- Y3.4 18.1.21 MathsPPT-Round-to-the-Nearest-10pdf
- Y3.4 18.1.21 Maths Times tables generator Y3 Productpdf
- Y3.4 18.1.21 Maths Times tables generator Y3 Multiplepdf
- Y3.4 18.1.21 Maths Times tables generator Y4 Productpdf
- Y3.4 18.1.21 Maths Times tables generator Y4 Multiplepdf
- Y3 Barnaby Spellings WB 18.1.21 LSCWCpdf
- Y4 Paddington Spellings WB 18.1.21 LSCWCpdf
- Y4 Treasure Island Activity Sheetpdf
- Swavesey old buildings info and photos for researchpdf
- Y3.4 French Galettepdf
- Y3.4 Ideas sheet for assembly 18.1.21pdf
- Y3.4 MATHS +1 +10 +100 +1000 harder with regroupingpdf
- Y3.4 MATHS +1 +10 +100 +1000 without regroupingpdf
- Y3.4 Maths - Rounding to the Nearest 10 worksheetspdf
- Y3.4 Maths Counting in 4s Worksheetpdf
- Y3.4 Maths Times tables test sheetpdf
- Y3.4 Mindfulness Colouring - Beautiful Birdspdf
- Y3.4 Rupert Spellings WB 18.1.21 LSCWCpdf
- Y3.4 Science - Making a Circuit WB 18.1.21pdf
- Y3.4 Swavesey Information History Notes for research readingpdf
- Y3.4 Swavesey websites resources linkspdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01. 21 Coastal Features vocabulary challengepdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Y3 Four figure grid referencespdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Y3.4 Grid References information powerpointpdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Blank research templatedocx
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Coastal Features Non-Chronological reportpdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 How to use Apostrophe for Plural Possessionpdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Non-chronological report planning framedoc
- Y3.4 WB 18.01.21 Y4 activity sheet Using apostrophes for plural possessionpdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.1.21 Maths Add and Subtract 100pdf
- Y3.4 WB 18.11.20 Pictures and info for report from Swavesey A Pictorial Historypdf
- Y3.4 WB18.1.21 Will it work and light the bulbpdf
- Y3.4 WY3.4 WB 18.01.21 Using apostrophes for plural possession.docxpdf
- Y4 Maths Counting in 8s Worksheetpdf
- Y3.4 Art sculpture and modroc 1pdf