Sports Premium and Physical Education
Aims and Objectives
Physical Education, encompassing physical activities more broadly, makes a valuable contribution to the development of our children holistically and the whole school curriculum. Sports premium supports us in achieving our objectives for PE and physical activity for all children. Through this, we develop children's access to physical activity, which supports good physical and mental health.
Additionally, Physical Education develops children's knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities, as well as more generally. Activities and sports include Golden Mile, dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, outdoor adventure activities (OAA), athletics, new age curling and more.
Physical Education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It provides both physical and intellectual challenges that promote positive attitudes towards learning and a healthy lifestyle. Thus, we enable them to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.
The Aims of our Physical Education provision are:
- To develop healthy, happy and confident children - in line with our whole school aims
- To help children grow in self-confidence and develop personal satisfaction through involvement in physical activity
- To support good mental health for all our children
- To enable children to acquire and develop physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination
- To develop children's ability to perform skills (in all areas of PE) and then be able to select and apply them in different situations
- To increase children's ability to evaluate and improve the quality of their own and others' performance
- To teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise
- To help children understand the importance of being active and the health benefits of an active lifestyle
- To encourage qualities of fair-play, co-operation and sensitivity to others in a range of group situations
- To develop children's enjoyment and appreciation of skilful and creative performances
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