Covid Update
Covid-19 Guidance for parents and Carers should your child develop symptoms can be accessed here.
PTA Events before the end of term...
Santa Run - please see attached poster, entry money in a named envelope needs to be in school by Friday 3rd December if your child would like to receive a medal. All children will take part in PE lessons. (Alison to confirm which version of the poster is needed a or b)
Christmas Raffle - we will be holding a raffle at the end of term - if you have any prizes to donate, please email or send items that could be included in a hamper into the school office.
Christmas Jumper PTA fundraiser - this will take place on Friday 17th December; children can come to school in a Christmas jumper or non-uniform and bring a donation (suggested £1) into school.
Christmas Events in the Local Community
Bethel Baptist and St Andrew's Christmas Events Overview
Advent Festival and Craft Fayre - 27th November
Christingle Service - 5th December