SEND, Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Links
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) information can be accessed through our SEND website pages here
Safeguarding Information - please click here for our Safeguarding page especially should you have concerns relating to the safeguarding of our children and families. Please click here to go directly to our Safeguarding policy.
Attendance Policy - please click here for the school's attendance policy. It is vitally important parents and carers are aware of their responsibilities and the formal processes for attendance matters. The NHS have created a useful webpage to support decision making when children are unwell - you can click here for the link.
SEMH (Social Emotional Mental Health) resources for parents - Please click here to access an overview sheet with signposted resources for you to use at home to support your children. The overview sheet can also be found at the bottom of the SEND page on our website here.
H.A.Y Cambridgeshire Community Wellbeing support - How Are You South Cambs? | Home (
NHS Mental Health Services - and SHOUT - a new Text service on 85258 which provides real-time support to people of all ages who are struggling with their mental health (text the word HEAR to 85258).
Chat Health is a NHS confidential NHS service for help and advice. It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name. Discreet and quick. It only takes one message to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area. Click here to access the site to start a web chat today.