Thank you to the PTA who will be providing sacks and drinks for the children's parties next week.
Christmas Raffle - we have been fortunate again this year as Arlette has made us a wonderful Gingerbread 'Santa Sleigh' to raffle. Please click here to see a picture of the wonderful sleigh. If you would like to enter the raffle please send your child in £1 per ticket in a marked envelope (child's name, class and amount)by Wednesday 15th and we will put your ticket/s into the draw.
Don't forget the last day of term is Christmas Jumper day, which the PTA use as a fundraising opportunity. We hope you will all join in!
Gifts for school staff – Thank you for your queries about this, hopefully the following information will provide answers:.
1. Can you donate to the school instead of buying a gift for staff? The PTA have a donation section on their events page ‘Christmas Staff Wellbeing Pot 2021’. You can make a donation by clicking here.
2. Can you send a gift for staff into school? If you would like to do this please bring your gift into the office where staff will follow safety guidelines to ensure this can be safely passed on.
Christmas Events in the Local Community
Bethel Baptist and St Andrew's Christmas Events Overview