We have a vacancy in our EY&P centre for a general practitioner and vacancies for midday supervisors. If you are interested or know of anyone who might be the details for these can be found here.
In the case of our midday supervisor vacancies we would be happy to hear from anyone who might be willing to consider a short term placement or even being able to offer cover during absences.
Covid Update:
Please find supportive documents on the current guidelines below:
LA poster here - flow chart for actions if symptomatic or asymptomatic and have a positive LFD
From 11th January if a child has a positive LFD they will not need to take a confirmatory PCR, but should self-isolate as per the guidance which can be found here. The positive result must be reported via the government reporting site which can be accessed here.
PTA Meeting 26th January at 7pm via zoom - details below.
Meeting ID: 864 4507 0298
Passcode: 12345