School Council Competition:
Please click here for details of our school council's competition to find our 'new 5R character' illustrations and accompanying narrative. The children have been busy taking part in democratic processes to come to a final decision on the 'new characters' for our 5Rs here at Swavesey. The next step is for us to find the illustration and narrative to bring their ideas to life.
Council members have explained the competition to their classes, but we hope you will encourage and support your budding artists and authors to take part. The closing date is 1st March.
Covid Update:
Our Covid page on the school website (accessible here) is updated with our current safety systems and any documentation published to us for understanding latest changes. We are still wearing masks for drop-offs and pick-ups.
We will review all measures at half term.
We have vacancies for midday supervisors. If you are interested or know of anyone who might be the details for these can be found here.
We would be happy to hear from anyone who might be willing to consider a short term placement or even being able to offer cover during absences.