School Council Competition:
Please click here for details of our school council's competition to find our 'new 5R character' illustrations and accompanying narrative. The children have been busy taking part in democratic processes to come to a final decision on the 'new characters' for our 5Rs here at Swavesey. The next step is for us to find the illustration and narrative to bring their ideas to life.
Council members have explained the competition to their classes, but we hope you will encourage and support your budding artists and authors to take part. The closing date is 1st March.
PTA Fundraising
As part of the PTA fundraising we now have an Amazon wish list, which has a range of books we would like to purchase for the school. If you would like ot donate by buying us a book then please go to the list sharing page here. We will add a template to the inside cover of the book to highlight your donation unless you instruct us otherwise.
If this is successful we will add more items to the list.
Please note that when you click the link the page will show Mrs Whislter's name with 'Swavesey School Wish List' underneath.