Covid Update:
We continue to have new Covid cases reported each day, and this week one of our classes reached 30% positive cases including the class teacher on Wednesday.
Due to the increase in positive cases within the class and our significant staff absences, which stretched us beyond our capacity to meet our health and safety requirements, Jonathan Lewis, our director of Education, supported a move to remote learning for the class for Thursday and Friday. This is being reviewed in light of updated information.
I know this will have been unwelcome news for families but has been very much a last resort to ensure we could meet our H&S obligations.
Two more of our classes have seen cases rise to over 10% today, and so we have put in additional safety measures for them in school and continue to ask you to remain vigilant and proactive. Symptoms of positive cases we are seeing are: headache, upset stomach especially with vomiting and diarrhoea, high temperature and cough.
We do not necessarily see all symptoms in one case, but a headache has been a key early indicator. Seeking a PCR test, should your child experience these symptoms, is still really important to better support identification of a positive case as early as possible.