Jane Roger's course 5th May - What to do when kids push your buttons. Please access the poster for details here.
Nexus Fostering - Please access their information here. They are in need of foster carers in the local area.
Admin Updates:
1. MCaS pupil data checks - we have had several occasions recently where we have discovered that the information we have on MCaS for children is incorrect e.g. contact telephone numbers. Please can we ask you to check your child's data and update where necessary.
2. Naming Uniform - we are beginning to build up a pile of un-named lost property. If you are missing anything please check the box in the front entrance hall and the picnic tables in the quiet area. If clothes are named we can return them to their owner, so please do make sure labels are clear with your child's name.
3. Head lice - we have had some cases of head lice and so ask that you are vigilant in checking your child's hair and treating where needed.
Our Vacancies:
As a school we have vacancies in our midday supervisors and premises teams. Information can be found using this link here.