Children in Need non-uniform day - 18th November
Following our annual tradition, we will be joining in with Children in Need on 18th November, by having a non-uniform day. This year however, instead of donating to the national Children in Need charity we will be sending all donations directly to a charity which supports single parent families in Ukraine, who have children with severe disabilities (cerebral palsy, genetic disorders, mobility issues, sight and hearing loss etc).
Donating directly to a children's charity is something g we have doyen before when it has linked to our own community or the wishes of our children.
All money raised will go to Direct Support for Ukraine, which is a local charity project providing much needed resources and support through volunteers for these families.
Our TA, and parent, Mrs Moroz (originally from Ukraine), and another of our parents, Mr Parker, are both volunteers supporting this project through fundraising, as well as, through practical help.
Mrs Moroz will be leading an assembly before 18th November so our children can learn more about the needs of these children in Ukraine and the project. After our raised funds have been utilised by the charity Mrs Moroz will lead another assembly to show the children how their donated money has actually been used to help these children and their families, who are in much need of our support.
We hope will help our children feel empowered and able to make a positive impact amidst the suffering.
Detailed information at: