Updates from Mrs Norden
As we begin this new half-term we welcome you to our first e-newsletter. Previous to Covid, we used our newsletter 'SPLASH' to communicate events and news to parents and the local community. However, regular email updates (sometimes daily) became a faster more effective way of disseminating the large amount of Covid information, and to keep in touch, as we went into the first lock down in March 2020, especially in the absence of normal school activities.
This new form newsletter links with our website to give you quick easy access to the building information about the school. Each newsletter will contain diary dates within the next few weeks, articles written by children and staff with photographs of events, PTA activity information as well as links to community information and other pages within the website for useful items. Additionally, there is an 'Admin update' section and, while needed, there will be a Covid update box where you can read about any changes or guidance updates.
The link to the latest newsletter will be sent out to you each week, but if you lose this they can easily be accessed through the 'Home' page of the school website through the 'Latest Newsletter' box. The back button on the actual newsletter page will take you to the list of previous issues, so you can refer back to information anytime.
We hope you will enjoy our 'new look' news.