Last Updates for the Spring Term
PTA Cake Sale for Monday - please see poster below. Donations of individual cakes greatly received. The sale will take place on the back playground at the end of the day, in the case of inclement weather it will be in the hall with us using the doors as a one way system for entrance and exit.
Lost Property - We have lots of lost property at the school so please pop into the school main entrance lobby and take a look before it goes to our nearly new sale. We will put the boxes out in the front playground if afternoons are dry next week so please come along and check them.
If you are in need of second hand uniform then do please email the office and let us know what you are after, and we will see if we can help!
Chicken Pox and Eye infections - We have cases of both chicken pox and eye infections across both preschool and reception. Please be vigilant in identifying symptoms and taking action to reduce the spread.
Our Amazon Wish list - our wish list will be regularly added to, so please use the link at the top of our newsletter to see what is on it, if you are able to help.