Summer Term Updates
Monday 6th June Morning Organisation
Due to various events and activities please support us with the following organisation for our first day back after half term.
8.40am – Yr 5 arrive with bikes for bikeability training entering school via the front vehicular gate to store their bikes on space assigned on back playground. Whilst parents can accompany the children it would be best for the children to be organised to wheel their bikes and carry their things into school by themselves, as this is what they will need to do during the day and the rest of the week. Parents will need to leave by the back gate once this is opened at 8.45am to support the flow and avoid accidents. Mrs Turian will be marshalling the organisation.
8.45am - Gates open as normal with Yr6s on residential entering if possible via the back gate to go straight to the hall. Mr Pawlett, Mr O'Neill, and Mrs Gladwell will be there to organise them. Parents need to leave the children at the doorway.
9.15am - Yr6 will leave to meet their coach for the residential - parents can come and wave them off.
PE Days - Week beginning 5th June
Reception classes - Monday/Friday
Yr 1/2 Foxes and Squirrels - Monday/ Tuesday
Otters - Tuesday/ Thursday
Yr 3/4 Badgers & Kingfishers - Tuesday/Friday
Swans - Tuesday/ Thursday
Yr5/6 Swallows and Owls - Wednesday/Thursday
Ravens - Wednesday/Friday
Updated Uniform Guide - please click here to access the guide on our website Uniform page for uniform with logos. This includes details for orders/deliveries in time for the Autumn term.
Please note that uniform can be purchased through any provider and does not have to have the school logo.
Please ensure all uniform is labelled as lost property continues to grow due to unnamed items, which we struggle to reunite with their owners.
Amazon Wish list - thank you to everyone who has bought items from our wish list for which we are really grateful. The list is regularly updated, so please use the link at the top of the newsletter if you are able to support us in this way.
May Half Term Voucher Scheme - the LA will be running a voucher scheme for the 2023/24 financial year using the government Household Support Grant. Please click here for the parent/carer letter from the LA and here for the FAQs.