Summer Term Updates
PE Days - Week beginning 12th June - please note there are some changes for certain classes this half-term to previously published details due to necessary operational changes so please check.
Reception classes - Monday/Friday
Yr 1/2 Foxes and Squirrels - Monday/ Tuesday
Otters - Tuesday/ Friday
Yr 3/4 Badgers & Kingfishers - Tuesday/Friday
Swans - Tuesday/ Friday
Yr5/6 Swallows and Owls - Wednesday/Thursday
Ravens - Monday/Friday
PTA Summer Fete Friday 23rd June - date change to previously published
We will be holding our annual summer fete on Friday 23rd now. This is a changed date to that published at the start of the academic year due to an event involving various local brownie and guide groups.
Our Fete will take place from 3.30- 5pm, straight after school, and we hope you will be able to support us by coming to join in the fun, as well as contributing items and/or helping. Below is a list of donations we are looking for to support our fundraising:
General Tombola items - unused, new items such as toiletries, tins etc.
Chocolate Tombola items - multipacks, small/large bars, boxes; must be wrapped and no nuts
Raffle prizes
Please can items above be dropped into the entrance hall from Monday next week through to Wednesday 21st June.
Cakes/biscuits - individual cup cakes/biscuits (to be brought in on the day)
School Games Day - Monday 26th June (reserve date if weather is inclement Monday 3rd July).
KS2 morning and Rec/KS1 (with preschools races) afternoon - finalised times and details will be sent out nearer to the date.
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 18th July morning, start time 9.30am
Year 6 SVC transition days (for those attending SVC in September) - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st July inclusive. SVC will send information directly to parents in due course.