Summer Term Updates
PTA News - The Summer Fete raised £1646. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event possible and to those who came along and spent their pennies. Any feedback please send to
Headlice - we have had some cases of headlice in Reception please can we ask you to check your child and treat accordingly.
School Lunches - please click here to go to our Lunch webpage to read a letter for parents about allergies and other information documents - 'Letter about special diets'
Free School Meals - please click here to see if your child is eligible to receive support through this initiative.
PE Days - Week beginning 3rd July
Reception classes - Wednesday/Friday
Yr 1/2 Foxes and Squirrels - Monday/ Tuesday
Otters - Tuesday/ Friday
Yr 3/4 Badgers & Kingfishers - Tuesday/Friday
Swans - Tuesday/ Thursday
Yr5/6 All classes - Wednesday/Thursday
Year 5/6 Production: Eric the 'Virtuous' Viking - Tuesday 11th July at 2pm and Thursday 13th July at 6.40pm. An email has been sent out with details for our year 5/6 parents and carers.
Fundraisng Friday 14th July - non-school uniform day and school discos. Further details to follow.
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 18th July morning, start time 9.30am
Save the date for Year 6 leavers party - Tuesday 18th July 4-5pm. Further details will follow from the parent organisers.
Year 6 SVC transition days (for those attending SVC in September) - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st July inclusive. SVC will send information directly to parents in due course.