Autumn Term Updates
Hand, Foot and Mouth - We continue to have confirmed cases this week. Please be vigilant should your child have symptoms (click here). It is highly infectious, and if caught can make you very unwell. We do have medically vulnerable children and staff and so children should not return if they have a high temperature or open ulcers, as these will lead to further spread.
Children in Need fundraising tomorrow 15th Nov - we will be raising money for this worthwhile cause through a non-uniform day. The children can come in clothes which should be suitable for outdoor play in the likely muddy, and possibly cold and/or wet conditions, as well as indoor learning. We encourage spots and the colour yellow to tie in with Pudsey Bear, but this will not be a requirement. A donation to Children in Need of £1 or more is encouraged.
Book Fair - Your children will have browsed today and books will be sold in the school hall after school tomorrow (Friday 15th) and on Monday 18th November from 3:30pm until 4:15pm.
Payment can be made online by using the QR Code on your phone/device or by writing a cheque made out to Swavesey Primary School. Unfortunately, we are unable to take cash payments.
Clubs after school on Monday - there will be no football or netball club on Monday due to the Book Fair.
Octagon Cluster and St Ives Rotary Competitions - we now have details of the photography competition too.
The closing date for entries in all three competitions is 10th January and there are age categories for all our primary year groups (Reception to Year6).
Art Competition Writing Competition Photography Competition
Future Events/Dates this half term:
Flu Vaccinations - Tuesday 19th November is our given date by the NHS for the children's annual flu vaccinations. Absences will be caught up on 9th December.
Yr3/4 Fitzwilliam Visit - 21st (Swans and Kingfishers) and 22nd (Badgers) November
Talk and Tour 27th November 9.15am - last of the term for new reception children 2025/26. If you missed the sign-up form, please click here.
Early Years (Reception and Preschool) and Years1/2 Christmas Production 10th and 11th December am. Details coming soon.
Year 5/6 Victorian Christmas (History off the page day) - 12th December.
Community News:
Jane Rogers in person workshop 'How to get your kids to listen'. Click here for details.
'50 Things to do before you're 5' - click here for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough website for ideas, resources and links to County events.