Autumn Term Updates
Fundraising for the Food Bank at Christmas
Saphia’s doing her fundraiser for the food bank for the 4th year in a row. She pledged to complete 1000 jumping jacks and 250 in exchange for sponsorship, and has so far raised £418 this year!
This is a fabulous commitment to a worthwhile cause. If you are able to contribute to her Just Giving page the link is below, or please drop any change you may have into the pot at the office hatch - every little helps.
Future Events/Dates this half term:
Staff Training Day - Monday 6th January 2025
Children's first day back of the Spring term - Tuesday 7th January 2025
Space Day Lunch 16th January - please click here or see below for the menu. Bookings through Scopay need to be made by 8th January for the food ordering deadline.
Year 3/4 Production - Tuesday 21st evening and Wednesday 22nd January afternoon. Details for seats will be published at the start of the new term.
PTA New Year's Disco for the children - 24th January - details to follow.